Tagged: books


Christmas Shopping

As many of you will know this website costs us money to maintain. We have the domain name, hosting, not to mention many hours spent updating it over the last 26 years! So to help us pay for it we’ve added links to various sites that give us a small...


Poetry Book Awards – The Top 25

Poetry Book Awards 2023 The International Poetry Book Awards 2023 organisers have announced the longlist for their 4th contest, judged by Pontypridd poet, Dave Lewis. Longlist (in no particular order) The Life Dyslexic – Philip Burton The Celestial Spheres – David Canning I Have Decided To Remain Vertical – Gayelene Carbis Made of...


International Poetry Book Awards – Shortlist!

The organisers of the Poetry Book Awards have just announced the shortlist of winners for the 2020 contest with some fabulous poetry collections. ‘Amongst our top ten we have various themes: barrack banter, Spanish art, drug addiction and redemption, sexual awakening, personal narratives, the nuclear age, nature and myth, life...


International Poetry Book Awards

Founded in Pontypridd, South Wales the international ‘Poetry Book Awards’ gives self published writers and small indie press authors a chance to gain recognition in the competitive, and often snobby, world of poetry publishing. After much soul searching, Welsh poet Dave Lewis, has managed to whittle down the 2020 entries in...