Tagged: international competition
Congratulations – Megan Fernandes! The winners of the 4th annual contest were as follows: 1st Prize I DO EVERYTHING I’M TOLD – Megan Fernandes, Portland, Oregon, USA Megan Fernandes is a South Asian American writer living in NYC. She was born in Canada and raised in the Philadelphia area. Her family are...
Jocelyn Simms Wins The International Poetry Book Awards The contest organisers have announced the winners of their prestigious contest, judged by Welsh poet and writer Dave Lewis, and the overall winner was Jocelyn Simms for her book ‘Tickling the Dragon’. The winners were as follows: 1st Prize TICKLING THE DRAGON – Jocelyn Simms, France 2nd Prize THE WOMAN WITH...
The organisers of the Poetry Book Awards have just announced the shortlist of winners for the 2020 contest with some fabulous poetry collections. ‘Amongst our top ten we have various themes: barrack banter, Spanish art, drug addiction and redemption, sexual awakening, personal narratives, the nuclear age, nature and myth, life...
Founded in Pontypridd, South Wales the international ‘Poetry Book Awards’ gives self published writers and small indie press authors a chance to gain recognition in the competitive, and often snobby, world of poetry publishing. After much soul searching, Welsh poet Dave Lewis, has managed to whittle down the 2020 entries in...