Tagged: Wales


Pontypridd Calendar 2022

Stuck for a Christmas pressie?  Why not get a ‘Pontypridd Calendar 2022’ and support local artists at the same time? Available to order now! Pontypridd 2022 Price – £24.99 (UK post only) To order use the PayPal button below and email us your name and address: Sample page / layout Size...


Estelle Price Wins Welsh Poetry Competition

The International Welsh Poetry Competition 2021 organisers have announced the winners of their prestigious 15th contest, judged by award-winning Welsh poet Kathy Miles, and the overall winner was Estelle Price for her poem ‘iii’. The winners were as follows: 1st Prize                  ...

Covid-19 Election? 0

Covid-19 Election?

They say that “Insanity Is Doing the Same Thing Over and Over Again and Expecting Different Results”.  Obviously that message hasn’t filtered down to Wales yet. So, the Senedd election – what the hell happened there then?  OK, I suppose after the year-long party political broadcasts from the Labour Party,...

Covid-19 Vaccinations 0

Covid-19 Vaccinations

I think we can all agree that 2020 was a crappy year. The reason, of course, was the ‘virus’. Covid-19 was/is a bit of a bugger and has killed millions of people all over the world, with 5,000 and counting in Wales. As well as killing people this particular coronavirus...

Wales Population 2020… 0

Wales Population 2020…

The last time that Wales had a positive fertility rate, of 2.08, was in 1973. Even this would have led to a negative population growth. The fertility rate is the average number of children born to women during their reproductive years. For the population in a given area to remain...


Welsh Book Shop – Support Local Artists

There seems to be a bit of a revolution in the book world happening at the moment.  Lots of people, retailers, especially the smaller outlets are struggling with the giant that is Amazon and many local book shops are going out of business because they simply can’t compete with the...


Cymru Noir – New Welsh Thriller Launched!

Welsh writer Dave Lewis has just launched his fourth novel, an uncompromising look at the British underworld played out against a background of love and harsh landscapes. Following on from the success of his ‘Cymru noir’ technothriller Hagar trilogy this time Lewis takes us deeper into the human heart. As...